Level 5 Sampling Completed At San Gonzalo


VANCOUVER - Avino Silver and Gold Mines Ltd. reported assay results from sampling along level 5 of the San Gonzalo vein.  An additional 82 meters to the northwest and 160 meters to the southeast of the main crosscut across from the ramp on level 5 have now been sampled. The San Gonzalo Mine is located on the Avino property 80 km northeast of Durango, Mexico.

The completion of sampling on level 5 compared with level 4 sampling shows: Silver & gold grades increase; Continuity of vein improves; Mineable length increased, width remains comparable.

With sampling on level 5 now complete, we are pleased to confirm that grades, continuity, and mineable length have all increased over level 4. This data re-enforces the model from the Tetra Tech Report which also suggests this trend will continue as we move to level 6, said, David Wolfin, President, CEO & Director.

The San Gonzalo vein usually contains the highest gold and silver values, but the company also drifts wider, sampling the country rock on both sides of the vein. The metal values contained in the wall rocks typically decrease with distance from the SG vein. Consequently, we can plan on mining over wider widths in order to provide more tonnage and wider stopes; thus, permitting easier operation using shrinkage methods, yet still providing feed grade to our mill well above cut-off.